How to use Card Monsters’ Card Search Site
アクション, ブラウザゲーム card monsters
Hello, I am one of the Japanese users who are playing Card Monsters.
A certain Japanese user made the card search site.
→ Card Monsters Fan | Card Search System
This site can be as follows.
- Card search
- Vote function
- Deck creation
- Comment and Discussion
and so on…
I introduce how to use this site.
There is little vote now. The Japanese user expects your vote.
Card search
This is Card Search Menu.
(*This picture is expandable by clicking)
The item is as follows.
- Type
- Name Search
- Rarity
- Color
- Cost
- HP
- Melee
- Range
- Magic
- Armor
- Ability
- Version
- Unlock Card
- Unique Card
For example: [Level 5 + Epic + sorts by evaluation]
In Japan, the popularity of Channeler, Mush, and Glumbie is low.
Vote function
The strength of a card can be voted once per one person.
It will be reflected, if you choose the score of a card and push a voting button.
In vote of it, a background becomes pink.
And the average score can be seen.
The standard of a score is as follows.
- 1(low): lol
- 2: Useless
- 3: Stopgap of the deck
- 4: It can use depending on the case…
- 5: I am secure when there is one.
- 6: I am secure when there is one. +
- 7: It can use as a prime card till the final stage.
- 8: It can use as a prime card till the final stage. +
- 9: The last deck candidate.
- 10(high): The last deck candidate. +
These days, vote about adjustment of a card is performed by the bulletin board of Edgebee and Kongregate. However, since there is little vote, adjustment stops.
If much vote of this site gathers, I also think that it can use for adjustment of a card. Please use. :p
Deck creation
We can create and exhibit the deck.
[Deck List] is chosen from a header menu when making the deck.
How to use simply is explained.
You add a monster, equipment, and Use Item.
A comment will be written if an addition finishes.
* It can rewrite, if the password is set up.
* If swarm is set up, the deck can be seen from the page for swarm.
For example, this is the deck which I made.
→ my AAs deck
This deck was made in order to fight with gronk.
Please use effectively!
Comment and Discussion
It can comment on a card.
Let’s keep the following notes in mind, when it comments.
1: polite
I’m sorry. Japanese people are poor at English.
I am glad when easy English is used.
If you come to use easy English, we will also use easy Japanese.
An easy text is kind to translation software. hehe :p
2: Japanese or English only
If the other language is used, garbled characters may take place.
A reason is easy. It is because the character code does not correspond.
I wrote the English report for the first time.
I am sorry for poor English!
Let’s enjoy a game from now on!
see you!
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